The on-line album has topped 1,000 photos forcing me to start a second album. Luckily construction on the Bay Beach Zippin Pippin Roller Coaster is nearly complete. Steel is now on the entire track and finishing touches are being put on the mechanicals and loading platform. This coaster is just about ready to begin testing. The day these pictures were taken spring was definitely in the air, with temperatures in the 40's and a nice sunny noon hour the snow that fell earlier in the week was quickly melting. The new photos for this week are below.
Most of the action this week was taking place around the loading platform. Walking up what will be the entrance the first obvious change was the stairway that has been built to carry anxious riders up to the loading platform.
Rounding the corner to climb the stairs the hand railings are staged on some sawhorses.
With the stairs in place we can now climb up to the loading platform and enjoy the view riders will have prior to loading the trains, one of the cool elements of this coaster design is the way the coaster is all around you while you are waiting to board.
Lights have been installed along the exit ramp.
Just off the loading platform work is wrapping up on the transfer table. Steel is now on the track and the alignment and locking system is being installed and set up.
Under the transfer table the motor the will shuttle the transfer table in and out is now bolted into place.
While I was inside the oval I attempted a panorama of the inside of turn 2.
Electricians have been busy at the site wiring up all of the motors, lights, etc.
The compressor that will provide air to the brakes and automatic gates has been moved to it's final position and anchored to the concrete floor beneath the loading platform.
There is also what appears to be a back up generator just behind the lift house.
I then walked the out and back part of the coaster to check out all of the steel that was added since last week. I crawled under some of the new areas to get some shots of the upstop steel that has been added.
While I was on the backside of the coaster I took a panorama shot of the completed out and back looking south.
Back on the front side of the coaster I finished my visit with this picture showing three different layers of track...
...and a panorama shot looking north...
Next week should wrap up the construction work and then we wait a couple of weeks before testing begins.